Atomic Wallet RESPONDS To $100 Million Hack

June 22, 2023 10:24 am Comments

Atomic Wallet has finally responded to users regarding the exploit that drained $100 million from customers.

The hack is widely believed to have been coordinated and perpetrated by North Korean hackers known as the Lazarus group.

Atomic claimed that the hack affected less than 0.1% of their users and new cases have not emerged as of the time their latest statement was made.

The popular cold-wallet client issued this public relations statement on June 21, 2023.

One user writes that crypto sleuth ZackXBT was responsible for correctly identifying North Korean hackers and the Lazarus Group as the likely culprits behind the attack.

Coin Telegraph reports:

Atomic Wallet didn’t point to what exactly led to the exploit, only laying out the four most “probable” causes, including a virus on user devices, an infrastructure breach, a man-in-the-middle attack or malware code injection.

However, none of these scenarios “are confirmed as potentially causing massive breaches,” said Atomic Wallet, while adding its “security infrastructure has been updated.”

According to U Today, much of the stolen money, denominated in XRP, has been circulating through major centralized exchanges since the attack.

Decrypt explained:

While today’s report did not confirm the attacker’s identity, security firms Elliptic and MistTrack have established links to the notorious North Korean hacking group Lazarus.

Speaking to Decrypt, an Atomic Wallet spokesperson would not confirm the North Korean group’s involvement, while noting that, “some investigation agencies” had claimed that it was the work of “sorta Lazarus group.”

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