ByBit Introduces Exciting New Feature

December 15, 2023 12:04 pm Comments

ByBit has introduced an exciting new feature for traders on its platform.

The ByBit automated Copy Trading feature allows beginners, or any interested user, to essentially copy the trades of a selected ‘master’ trader.

Other automated trading bot schemes like this have existed for some time now and provide the trader with the convenience of not having to monitor the markets.

Automated copy trading eliminates a lot of the guesswork, stress, and precision that goes into short-term trading. ByBit advertises a 75% win rate for its copy trades.

However, automated trading strategies are not without their risks and ample research should be done before making any investment or financial decisions. This is not financial advice.

Here’s more on the ByBit copy trade automated trading bot feature:

Coin Speaker explained how the system benefits both parties:

The social elements of bot copy trading also unlock profit potential for both masters and followers.

Skilled masters can monetize their expertise by earning up to 15% of profits from those who are benefiting from their trades.

They can even customize payout percentages to earn more from some whitelisted followers or offer special promotions to attract copiers.

Followers, on the other hand, benefit by connecting their portfolios with expert strategies.

One individual who made use of the new feature claimed: “You can join ByBit and start copy trading for free yourself if you want. Why join “syndicates” and pay for “alpha” access when you can do it with control of your own money!”

ByBit claims:

Copy trading has long been known to be a simple and effective way for beginners to execute trades and maximize their profits without the time-consuming efforts to learn about the crypto market.

Taking advantage of the expertise of Master Traders has never been easier. If you’re looking to get started with copy trading as a follower, look no further. 

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