Is David Schwartz Satoshi? “It’s certainly plausible I was part of a group…”
• July 12, 2022 8:40 pm • CommentsIn light of recent news, I thought it would be an EXCELLENT time to revisit a few Tweets between your truly at ProCoinNews and the one-and-only @JoelKatz (David Schwartz).
Well, perhaps not the “one and only”.
Perhaps “one of four”?
Here’s what I mean…
A truly bombshell story broke this week that the U.S. Government has known who “Satoshi Nakamoto” is all this time.
Yes, you read that correct.
In fact, the report states it is not just one person as many have long speculated, but a group of four people.
While we don’t know the names of the four, credit to Working Money Channel for putting together what we are all suddenly starting to presume:
What a group, right?
Let’s take a second to break this down and make sure you understand all the nuances here…
We start with Jed McCaleb, a guy who constantly seems to skirt any liability or responsibility of any kind, with seemingly no valid reason why.
Exhibit A – McCaleb was deeply involved with Mt.Gox and somehow allegedly sold it right before it went under. Impeccable timing!
Exhibit B – Jed then co-founds Ripple, creates XRP. Eventually leaves the company with billions of XRP that for some reason he is allowed to sell for many years, including the years following the SEC lawsuit. That’s right…instead of the SEC suing Jed who was there at the creation and who is still selling massive amounts of what the SEC deems a “security” they sue Garlinghouse and Larsen instead. Jed skates and rakes in millions if not billions in his XRP sales.
How is any of that possible, unless….you’re a “made man”. Connected? Working for the Government?
A theory has been floated around that Jed is selling his XRP to the government and this is all a huge part of the plan of the government’s reclamation of XRP.
A very interesting theory that has merit and makes a lot of sense.
Oh, but the transactions are all public on the ledger right and we can see he is selling to different wallets?
You don’t think the government would use the same wallet each time, do you?
Of course not.
Lubin taught us you have to disguise whale purchases! DUH!
Ok, so that’s Jed McCaleb.
Then you have David Schwartz and all I’m going to say about David is he’s ex-CIA.
Which really means he’s CIA. Because you never really become “ex” CIA.
And we all love and trust the CIA, right?
Then you get to good old Arthur Britto.
A man at the center of Ripple and XRP and yet not one single picture of him has ever been found (or verified — a few are floating around but I am not convinced in their veracity).
And then you have the empty seat…who was #4?
For much more on this, I give you two killer videos.
The first from our good friend at the Working Money Channel.
Say it with me now: HEYYYYYYYY GUYS! (oh my goodness, that hurt my voice just typing it!)
And the second from our good friend the Digital Asset Investor:
And now I want to flashback to tweets we had here at ProCoinNews with David Schwartz himself last year.
It was a day I will never forget…
I wrote an article about all the reasons why a whole lot of people think @JoelKatz (David Schwartz) could very well be Satoshi Nakamoto.
It’s actually a very compelling story if you’ve never heard it — I’ll copy the original article down below.
But here’s where the story gets really good.
We posted this Tweet earlier this morning…
Can you imagine the heads that would explode if this ends up being true? #XRP #BTC @JoelKatz can you comment from that boat you're on in the South Pole?https://t.co/4aHdU5ongf
— ProCoinNews (@ProCoinNews) December 7, 2021
….and @JoelKatz himself responded!
To us!
From a boat…
In the middle of the ocean…
Near the Antarctic….
While checking out Emperor penguins!
I have almost the entire skill set needed to have been Satoshi. It's certainly plausible that I was part of a group. But, nevertheless, it's not true. I didn't find out about Bitcoin until 2011.
— 𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚍 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚣 (@JoelKatz) December 7, 2021
A true honor right here:
Ok, so after going full on fanboy and freaking out a bit, then I had a blast actually reading his messages….yes plural.
They are incredibly interesting, let’s take a look….
First is the one copied above.
You can tell the brilliance of his mind, he is having a blast teasing the idea that he could very well be Satoshi, before claiming he isn’t.
Next is all credit to @XRPL424R on Twitter who elicited this exchange:
“If you were Satoshi, would you tell us?”
“To be honest, I wouldn’t.”
Oh man, he is having an absolute blast with these replies!
One of the most brilliant minds in all of crypto and he’s teasing and engaging with us on Twitter from a boat just off the edge of the world while hanging out with penguins.
You couldn’t write a story like this!
Then the XRP community really got involved with a lot of classic responses.
Here are a few favorites, first from @JREDBOKIE:
Touche, @XRP_Atom:
Many like @ManaMaorixx suspected if he isn’t Satoshi himself, he must know who Satoshi is:
Others took it even further suggesting not only does Schwartz know Satoshi, but that it’s the never-before-seen, enigmatic Arthur Britto:
Arthur Britto is certainly worthy of a whole series of articles himself sometime soon….
And @Kevin_Cage_ suggesting again that Arthur, Jed (another character) and Schwartz definitely know who Satoshi is (if it’s not Schwartz or Britto):
Oh and one more before we wrap it up:
Nice jacket Satos….I mean, David 😐 pic.twitter.com/yayaB7TK6x
— Optimistic Prime (@hushm0n3y) December 8, 2021
Here are zoom ins on those photos:
And yes, I confirmed myself it’s not a Photoshop, that is literally the jacket @JoelKatz is wearing in his most recent Twitter profile pic:
Just a HUGE coincidence that his jacket just happens to have the same logo of the ship from the Cartoon Bear?
I mean….really?
Crazy, right?
This is a day I will remember for a long time.
Hat tip to you Mr. Schwartz!
And for everyone who missed the original article, I will copy it here below.
Could one of the architects of XRP be the fabled Satoshi Nakamoto?
In 2019 the late John McAfee was alleged to have claimed that Schwartz was in fact Nakamoto, but he has consistently denied those rumors.
David Schwartz reportedly filed a patent for a DLT type technology back in 1988….
That’s not all though, according to sources Schwartz also worked for The C.I.A., and there are rumored emails of Nakamoto praising Ripple as early as 2009.
I encourage you to check out the thread by Anders L which you can access by clicking on his tweet below.
Let’s take a look at the information connecting Schwartz to the Nakamoto identity:
Digital Asset Investor: “John McAfee allegedly tweeted in 2019 that David Schwartz is the secret creator of BTC and quickly deleted Tweet.
McAfee Tweet: “Satoshi is and always has been the only person it could ever be — David Schwartz” pic.twitter.com/MJwZVAvOwz
— SpiritualWarlord🔺 (@truthcrumbs) June 24, 2021
And here’s where it starts to get REALLY interesting…
Amazing research done by Anders_L, which is all documented and all factual.
What do you make of this?
The Great Ripple Conspiracy
What if it all leads back to Ripple and David Schwartz?
This would shake the crypto market to its core if proven to be true.https://t.co/Almqf91KyN
— Anders 🏁 (@X__Anderson) April 20, 2019
1. John McAfee allegedly tweeted out that David Schwartz was the creator of Bitcoin and quickly deleted the tweet. .@LoveForCrypto17 and others covered the tweet.https://t.co/ySJHXhXMti
— Anders 🏁 (@X__Anderson) April 20, 2019
Back in 2009, Satoshi mentioned Ripple in an e-mail:”Ripple is interesting in that it’s the only other system that does something with trust besides concentrate it into a central server”
This must have related to Ripplepay, predecessor to Ripplehttps://t.co/ZeRGULhZTo pic.twitter.com/cHTJBIldg6
— Anders 🏁 (@X__Anderson) April 20, 2019
This was dated in April 23, 2011.Interestingly Ripple was started in 2012 and if I’m not mistaken they started to work on the XRPL code in 2011.
— Anders 🏁 (@X__Anderson) April 20, 2019
4. Bob Way stated he had a theory that David Schwartz was Satoshi Nakamoto but it was denied by Schwartz.https://t.co/fkLoPIHLQI
Bob Way was one of the first employees at Ripple. pic.twitter.com/C93KM8plND
— Anders 🏁 (@X__Anderson) April 20, 2019
These are all coincidences that makes you wonder. Maybe we will never find out the real truth. Perhaps it could be David? Perhaps it was a team of people? Someone else?
Who knows? What I do know is that if it would be proven to be true, it would shock the crypto market!
— Anders 🏁 (@X__Anderson) April 20, 2019
And remember when Dan Pena said “if you knew who was behind Bitcoin, you would RUN!”?
Well, that’s not entirely accurate…he didn’t “say it” so much as “shout it” like he does everything, but still the point remains.
Watch this short clip:
Hmmm….so most in crypto despise XRP, would knowing that David Schwartz (@JoelKatz) created it cause people to flip out?
I think so.
Here’s more, according to Daily Hodl:
In response to questions posted on Twitter regarding whether he’s responsible for building the Bitcoin network, Schwartz says he didn’t find out about Bitcoin until 2011 – two years after BTC came into existence. Schwartz, who is one of the original architects of the XRP ledger, believes it is more likely Bitcoin’s pseudonymous architect was actually a small group of people, rather than a single person.
“I think it’s more plausible that Satoshi was a small group of people given the wide set of skills displayed and the amount of work done. It could have been one person, but that seems somewhat unlikely to me.”
Here’s more from our late friend John McAfee on the topic.
Anyone else miss this guy?
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