John McAfee Reportedly Knew the Identity of Satoshi Nakamato
• July 6, 2022 5:16 pm • CommentsThere are many different theories on who is the notorious Satoshi Nakamoto.
Before his death, John McAfee claimed he knew who the original founder of Bitcoin was and claimed he used the method of stylometry to figure out the identity of Nakamoto.
The tech guru claimed by studying the linguistic style of Bitcoin’s original white paper he found out that the writer of Bitcoin’s original white paper used British English instead of American English which concluded that the writer was English.
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McAfee would go on to say that the writer also used two spaces after his period which indicates the writer learned to either type on a typewriter or is part of the older generation that learned to double space after periods.
The founder of McAfee antivirus software would go on to say he was finally able to string together who the founder was by the formatting which was almost identical to technical papers he read from a person who he knew in the tech world.
McAfee never revealed who Satoshi was but was he actually on to something?
John McAfee says he has spoken with Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto and plans to reveal the person’s identity
— Bloomberg Crypto (@crypto) April 24, 2019
Coin Telegraph broke the story:
In an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph during Virtual Blockchain Week, privacy coin advocate, fugitive, and self-proclaimed candidate for the president of the United States, John McAfee, asserted that he knows the identity of Satoshi Nakmoto with 99% certainty.
The discussion came following an eventful discussion at the conference, with McAfee rejecting COVID-19 as a government conspiracy and brandishing his AK-47 on camera.
Speaking to Cointelegraph, McAfee described the popular belief that an individual named Satoshi designed Bitcoin as “nonsense,” stating: “It was a team of eleven people over a period of five years, that came up, eventually, with [Bitcoin].
“How they decided who would write the paper, I don’t know. But anybody who wants to know who it is — I mean, you know who the options are, you’ve got Craig Wright possibly, I’m not going to name everyone else otherwise you’ll figure out who it is, but somebody wrote the whitepaper,” he continued.
McAfee asserts that linguistic analysis of the whitepaper, also known as stylometry, is all that is needed to uncover Satoshi’s identity.
“If you read the whitepaper, number one, it’s totally clear he’s English — every single word that has a different spelling in English and American is English,” McAfee asserts.
“Number two, he left tells. There is only five percent of the population that has two spaces after a period — everything has two spaces after a period. And, the format of the document was identical to documents that he had published professionally,” he adds.
“If you buy a two-hundred dollar authorship program, and you take the whitepaper and you run it through, and you take any one of the papers that he’s published — all of these people wrote papers by the way, only one comes out with ninety-nine percent probability it’s him.”
John McAfee Claims Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Is Still Alive#JohnMcAfee #BitcoinCreator #Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency #CryptoExchange #Crypto
— World News Network (@worldnewsdotcom) April 24, 2019
Forbes shared these details:
Bitcoin, a digital currency designed as an alternative to state-backed fiat money, was created in the midst of the 2008 global financial crisis—but no one knows who made it.
The bitcoin price has been climbing steadily over the last decade, making many early adopters overnight millionaires and causing millions more to ask: Who is bitcoin’s creator, someone known only as Satoshi Nakamoto?
Now, amid a surge in bitcoin interest sparked by the global coronavirus pandemic, the eccentric cyber security pioneer John McAfee claims to know the answer. But of course, he’s not telling.
John McAfee, the cybersecurity pioneer-turned U.S. presidential hopeful, claims to know the identity … [+] LIGHTROCKET VIA GETTY IMAGES
McAfee, the outspoken antivirus software developer-turned curveball U.S. presidential candidate, says he’s 99% sure he knows the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto—the author of the bitcoin white paper, thought to be a pseudonym.“It was a team of eleven people over a period of five years, that came up, eventually, with [bitcoin],” McAfee told bitcoin and cryptocurrency website Cointelegraph on the virtual sidelines of a now digital blockchain conference, forced online due to the coronavirus pandemic, adding he thinks Craig Wright, a computer scientist who’s repeatedly claimed to be bitcoin’s creator but failed to produce proof, was involved.
“How they decided who would write the paper, I don’t know. But anybody who wants to know who it is—I mean, you know who the options are, you’ve got Craig Wright possibly, I’m not going to name everyone else otherwise you’ll figure out who it is, but somebody wrote the white paper.”
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